13 August, 2010

Starting off with travel mishaps, of course

I wish I could be writing my first entry from aboard my flight to Doha, where I am supposed to be right now. But that is not where I am. Strangely, I am back in Texas, the last place I thought I would find myself on this journey to India (especially given my relationship with this particular state)-- at a Holiday Inn in muggy Houston, to be specific. Out of my window, I can hear planes taking off. Tomorrow I will be on one. After a day of waiting standby and delayed flights, after running across the entire Houston Intercontinental airport, Qatar airlines said I wouldn't make the flight tonight. After rescheduling, I will be arriving in Ahmedabad exactly 24 hours later than I was supposed to. Could be worse.

On the bright side, I met my NBA idol Steve Nash today. After I gawked, "Oh my god, you're Steve Nash!" we exchanged a few brief comments about our travel, and he even signed the current book I am reading (which I am almost done with, and had planned to ditch in Doha, but will now hang onto for the rest of my time in India, obviously). So it's not all bad. Hopefully my next update will actually be from outside of this country.

Thanks to everyone for all of the amazing goodbye wishes. Much love to all.


  1. Happy trails, Rach! Did you like The Lacuna? I slogged through it and decided I was glad I read in the end. Kind of like a difficult yoga class when sometimes I'm happier to have done it than to be in it. Lessons in enlightenment there :)

  2. Well said! I have yet to complete my journey through the Lacuna.
